How can SPEC help you & your family?

SPEC has a spectrum of programs for EVERYONE!


Alone, we can do so little; together we can do so much"

Helen Keller

Hello and welcome to The SPEC Association, it’s always a real joy for us to meet and help individuals and families in our community. Here you will find useful information about our programs and services. 

The SPEC Association offers a continuum of services to empower people with information, family supports and community connection with the goal to build a thriving community of resilient individuals and families.


Consider SPEC as YOUR navigation hub for services in Brooks and area. Whether you are a new Canadian, new to the area, resident experiencing difficulties, or a parent looking for tips, SPEC can help you.

Languages Spoken
Individuals Served
SPEC Staff

How To Find Us

We’re excited to meet you!
Please don’t hesitate to stop by the SPEC office or give us a call at 403-362-5056

SPEC Office

We are located in the Community Cultural Centre
327 3rd Street West, Brooks, AB
You can find our location on the map.

What Are Your Hours?

The SPEC office is open
Monday – Friday
8:30am - 12:00pm 1:00pm - 5:00pm


Booklet Directory

Resources in Brooks & Area

An alphabetical agency list including hours of services, what they can do to help you, their telephone number, location, webpage, and email address where available.

View Now


Serving Brooks & Area

The SPEC HUB is the point of entry for early intervention and prevention services for families with children 0-18 years old in the City of Brooks and the County of Newell.   The Hub provides intake and coordination services and arranges the delivery of a full array of services, supports, and programming.

The Hub is part of the new Family Resource Network (FRN) funded through Children’s Services.  The FRN follows a “Hub and Spoke” model throughout the province in which the “Spokes” are the formal service partnerships created to meet the needs of all age cohorts of children, intensity levels of services and home visitation services.