PCAP: First Steps
- Parent Child Assistance Program
Free & Confidential Service
First Steps welcomes community and self referrals. The First Steps (PCAP) program supports women who are pregnant or up to 12 months postpartum, experiencing issues with alcohol and/or drug use and who would benefit from connections to supports and resources.

FASD Prevention
Safest not to drink alcohol during pregnancy.
Programming to help mothers struggling with addictions.
Trained and supervised advocates provide one-on-one personalized supports that include home visitation and intervention to mothers and their families for 3 years.
Community and self referrals welcomed!
Goals of first steps
- Setting goals and identifying steps to achieve them
- Obtaining alcohol/drug treatment
- Staying in recovery
- Choosing a family planning method
- Accessing child health care and immunizations
- Connecting with community services
- Providing transportation to important appointments
- Sorting out housing and child custody issues
- Addressing domestic violence
- Resolving system service barriers

Is First Steps for you or someone that you know?
Contact the First Steps Program, we want to help. There is help & support for you.
Free • Confidential • Judge Free
Call or Text:
- AB Child and Family Services (after hours)
1-800-638-0715 - Bullying Help Line
1-888-456-2323 - Child Abuse Hotline
1-800-387-5437 - Children’s Advocate
1-800-661-3446 - Child Disability Resource Link
1-866-346-4661 - Family Violence Info Line
310-1818 (toll free 24/7) - Health Link Alberta
811 - Kids Help Line
1-800-668-6868 - The Crisis Line
1-800-661-7949 - South Region Child and Family Services – Brooks
- South East Alberta Fetal Alcohol Networt
www.seafan.ca - Alberta Health Services
www.albertahealthservices.ca - Alberta PCAP Council
alberta-pcap.ca - The Child and Youth Advocate